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RE: Una pregunta tonta

Intervenció de: funnyjokes | 03-08-2018

Really your post is really very good and I appreciate it. It’s hard to sort the good from the bad sometimes.You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been written about for years.
ludo king


  • RE: Una pregunta tonta
    Geonauta | 01/08/2018 a les 12:18
    Jo havia estat relataire aquí, fa uns anys, i llavors eren uns dos dies...
  • RE: Una pregunta tonta
    aleshores | 01/08/2018 a les 12:47
    Segons com triguen més.
    • RE: RE: Una pregunta tonta
      Geonauta | 01/08/2018 a les 16:45
      D'acord, mltes gràcies. Es que ja estava en aquell punt de dubtar a veure si ho havia fet bé.
  • RE: Una pregunta tonta
    funnyjokes | 03/08/2018 a les 04:22
    Really your post is really very good and I appreciate it. It’s hard to sort the good from the bad sometimes.You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been written about for years.
    ludo king

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