
1 Relats, 0 Comentaris
134 Lectures
Valoració de l'autor: 5.00

Últims relats de Maxlandis


    Maxlandis - 16-02-2023 - 134 Lectures - 0 comentaris
    Temps estimat: menys d'un minut

    Espai que no s'admeten altres llengües que no sigui en català. Sols s'admeten articles escrits en català. Si vols publicar un article en català, estàs obert a fer-ho. més

Últims comentaris de l'autor

  • Maxlandis | 15-04-2023

    It is important to remember that while essay writing services can be helpful, they should not be used as a crutch. Students should still strive to develop their own writing skills and seek help from professors and other resources when needed.

  • Maxlandis | 15-02-2023 | Valoració: 10

    To be a successful student, one has to have a strong connection with your parents. This is the best way to understand and have a my link sound professional relationship. Being a part of a extended family goes hand in hand with the granddad role. It makes it a duty to always look after their kids.