Sobre el teu pit

Un relat de: Ainhoa

Una altra nit
i una més després d'aquesta.
Que sigui la teva llum la que ilumini,
la que em guii fins al teu llit.
Que siguin els teus dits el que,
tanquin els meus ulls i em donin



Foto de perfil de Ainhoa


24 Relats

36 Comentaris

28528 Lectures

Valoració de l'autor: 9.72

Barcelona, 26 Febrer 1976
A Charles Bukowski...


As the preacher stumbles from his castle of sin
And his vision gets distorted from the bottle within
But his mouth slurs out the words from a sober heart
They cut deep into open nerves then they tear you apart

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it

He gave Jesus tattoos and took the devil's soul
He got the angels drunk and gave them the gutter for a home

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it

He loved the most beautiful girl in the mist of wine
A last kiss through cigarette smoke then she quietly slipped of the edge of time

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it