Diga'm que m'estimes

Un relat de: Ainhoa

vull que m'atrapis
amb força
Que descobreixis
cada racó
Penetrant cada porus
amb llengua i saliva
Pells calentes
a tocar
Lascives les mirades
Deixa que la suor
els nostres cossos
I crida ben fort
que m'estimes

Ainhoa Dios Medà


No hi ha comentaris, comenta'l tu primer


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24 Relats

36 Comentaris

28474 Lectures

Valoració de l'autor: 9.72

Barcelona, 26 Febrer 1976
A Charles Bukowski...


As the preacher stumbles from his castle of sin
And his vision gets distorted from the bottle within
But his mouth slurs out the words from a sober heart
They cut deep into open nerves then they tear you apart

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it

He gave Jesus tattoos and took the devil's soul
He got the angels drunk and gave them the gutter for a home

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it

He loved the most beautiful girl in the mist of wine
A last kiss through cigarette smoke then she quietly slipped of the edge of time

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it