
Un relat de: Ainhoa

I com ahir, el dia és gris si no hi ets tu
Les notes sordes
les paraules buides
la vida sense vida
Però m'arriba llunyana una melodia
d'unes mans al piano
I en cada tecla el teu nom escrit
I a cada compás, el teu alè
m'acarona la nuca
Hi ets

I jo somric


  • he vist el teu comentari[Ofensiu]
    diesi | 30-08-2007

    i he decidit passar-me per aquí i llegir-me uns quants relats teus, però he decidit comentar-te aquest en particular. M'ha agradat, no sé, potser pel piano, però m'ha portat records i he escoltat les notes sordes que dius.

    un petit detall, no és nuca, sinó clatell...

    Doncs això, que el poso a preferits :D

    encantada i gràcies per comentar-me!



Foto de perfil de Ainhoa


24 Relats

36 Comentaris

28474 Lectures

Valoració de l'autor: 9.72

Barcelona, 26 Febrer 1976
A Charles Bukowski...


As the preacher stumbles from his castle of sin
And his vision gets distorted from the bottle within
But his mouth slurs out the words from a sober heart
They cut deep into open nerves then they tear you apart

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it

He gave Jesus tattoos and took the devil's soul
He got the angels drunk and gave them the gutter for a home

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it

He loved the most beautiful girl in the mist of wine
A last kiss through cigarette smoke then she quietly slipped of the edge of time

This is the ballad of the bullet proof poet
This is the ballad, don't I know it