atzucac (culpa)

Un relat de: nina

un dia vas començar a plorar, i al cap dels anys, quan se't van acabar les reserves liquides i mocadors, quan vas aconseguir parar, et vas prometre que això mai més et tornaria a passar.
I ara arribo jo, nina, amb una bondat que tot i existent, no m'eximeix de la capacitat de ferir-te. Tu em vols massa i jo no et vull tant.

Fuig de mi, deixa de vorejar carrers on saps que només toparàs amb malfactors emocionals.
Si hem de deixar en mans de la sanitat publica, els teu cor adolorit.... anem llestos.


  • Promeses![Ofensiu]
    Unaquimera | 18-01-2007 | Valoració: 10

    Aquelles promeses que tots ens fem, en un moment o un altre de la nostra vida, perquè necessitem creure que serem lleials a la paraula donada a nosaltres mateixos! Promeses com no em tornarà a passar, no hi cauré mai més, no deixaré que, no permetré que, això s'ha acabat...
    Però la vida, que és insistent, torna a picar a la porta, a deixar-nos propaganda a la bústia, a fer-nos conèixer nova gent... i torna a girar la ruleta!

    Un relat brevíssim, però amb la mida justa i adaptada al moment que refereix.

    Com ja vaig descobrir, saps destriar el mot més apropiat, posar-ho en el seu lloc... i acabar la frase quan convé.
    I saltar d'una idea a una altra, elegantment, sense perdre el pas.

    Per cert: jo tinc una mútua mèdica... i tampoc en té, de remei per als cors adolorits!

    Tornaré! Avui, que si et fes l'abraçada que em ve de gust et podria omplir de virus, t'envio un petó amb la punta dels dits,



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So here I am once more in the playground of the broken hearts
One more experience, one more entry in a diary, self-penned
Yet another emotional suicide overdosed on sentiment and pride
Too late to say I love you, too late to re-stage the play
Abandoning the relics in my playground of yesterday
I'm losing on the swings, I'm losing on the roundabouts
I'm losing on the swings, I'm losing on the roundabouts
Too much, too soon, too far to go, too late to play, the game is over
T the game is over

So here I am once more in the playground of the broken heart
I'm losing on the swings, losing on the roundabouts, the game is over, over
Yet another emotional suicide overdosed on sentiment and pride
I'm losing on the swings, losing on the roundabouts, the game is over
Too late to say I love you, too late to re-stage the play
The game is over

I act the role in classic style of a martyr carved with twisted smile
To bleed the lyric for this song to write the rites to right my wrongs
An epitaph to a broken dream to exercise this silent scream
A scream that's borne from sorrow

I never did write that love song, the words just never seemed to flow
Now sad in reflection did I gaze through perfection
And examine the shadows on the other side of the morning
And examine the shadows on the other side of mourning
Promised wedding now a wake

The fool escaped from paradise will look over his shoulder and cry
Sit and chew on daffodils and struggle to answer why?
As you grow up and leave the playground
Where you kissed your prince and found your frog
Remember the jester that showed you tears, the script for tears

So I'll hold our peace forever when you wear your bridal gown
In the silence of my shame the mute that sang the sirens' song
Has gone solo in the game, I've gone solo in the game
But the game is over
Can you still say you love me...
/(script for a jester's tear- Marillion)

en Lèvingir, Jb i Aurincon_Kuu em van encadenar, pero jo no soc capaç de seguir la cadena!! Please que alg'u em passi les intruccions per una nina torpe!!!
a veure per quan recuperem les ganes de penjar nous relats....