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tracking usps

Intervenció de: veronika | 29-05-2017

The tip came from a man named Joe Palacios, a Mexican who would have been a DEA agent had he been born a few miles north. Instead he earned his living as a DEA adjunct, gathering intelligence in exchange for payment. Agents called him “Eye in the Sky,” because they operated him like a satellite: Direct him to a target, and he would send back information. The tip sounded preposterous. A ton of cocaine, parked in the open in Chula Vista? But sure enough, there, at Third and Main, was a tan van with the windows blacked out. Agents followed it to a house, where they found the blue van.
Usps tracking


  • Català molt antic
    kefas | 29/05/2017 a les 15:23
    Un farcell de català antic que ens envia aquest ull penjat al cel. Desitgem que no sigui el resultat d’un tast del seu descobriment.

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